I've never been one for New Years Resolutions... maybe because I know for a fact that I won't keep them up, so why even pretend? :)
If I did make resolutions, though, one of them would be to really get good at making meal planning a habit!
So lets start the year off right... Here's my plan for the week:
Monday - Spaghetti w/ homemade sauce (my favorite!)
Tuesday - Black Bean Soup (this is a test - never tried this recipe before so we will see how it goes) this came out pretty well. I used 2 cans of black beans, pureed one of them, added 2 chicken breasts, and cooked it all in the crockpot on low all day. I will save the recipe, cuz it was good, but I am also planning on trying other recipes.
Wednesday - Oatmeal-crusted chicken tenders
Thursday - Steaks mmmm these were super good!
Friday - Baked Chicken in Tomato Feta Sauce
We love Black Bean Soup. Thank you for sharing your menu and you have a great week!